I’ve seen enough hentai to know how that cut scene goes.
Sounds for me like Blizzard have taken over the role of the gold sellers themselves and with the same ethical standards.
Where do the tokens come from?
Are people buying them from Blizzard for real cash and then listing them in the auction house?
“The pinicle of military deployment approaches the formless. For if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it, nor the wise make plans against it.” - Sun Tzu
I loved how they did it with surviving Mars.
The games was excellent and each DLC actually added something new.
That I can get onboard with
Did you mean Midi-chlorian?
That was a passing fancy, a dream of good government.
Reality has hit hard and they’ve moved on
Nice. Be proud.
Dunno what of, but be proud anyway!
I’ve always thought Australia was a trouble maker.
“Released without charge”
Nazis do a lot of that?