Another fun one to try is You guess a word, and an AI gives a score on how close it deems you are to the word.
Another fun one to try is You guess a word, and an AI gives a score on how close it deems you are to the word.
I got back into Path of Exile a month ago, and that’s still going on. Last time I didn’t do more than finishing the campaign, but this time I’m well into end game and it’s great!
I’ve also started playing Siege Survival: Gloria Victis this weekend. You play as a couple of characters in a city that’s under siege. During the day you need to create supplies for the soldiers in your bastion, and during the nights you’ve got to sneak around the city and gather materials, or scout behind the enemey lines to get Intel for the next siege attack. It’s actually really fun!
I like my debloated W10. I’ll probably try out Linux Mint or something as a daily driver when I get a new pc next time though. As is there is no way I’m installing W11.
Neither of those are nearly as effective though
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage was a real banger that I played the shit out of
Jeeesus, that’s gold right there!
Haha, you’ll have to ask the AI about that…