After the war and they aren’t needed, probably but they’ll be expensive. They aren’t just blow up things. They have heaters that properly heat and keep warm sections of the vehicle to look realistic, and things like that. There’s radar truck decoys that have a rotating scanner, for example. These have been around from both sides for a bit now.
I wonder if you can buy these things privately.
Yeah, this will make halloween a lot easier, I bet I can get 4 kids in there.
It could be fun at birthday parties too. You could even make a business out of renting it.
After the war and they aren’t needed, probably but they’ll be expensive. They aren’t just blow up things. They have heaters that properly heat and keep warm sections of the vehicle to look realistic, and things like that. There’s radar truck decoys that have a rotating scanner, for example. These have been around from both sides for a bit now.
They also have radar reflective paint.