Vampire Survivors join forces once more with KONAMI, this time featuring their notable Castlevania franchise, in a new DLC which many have been anticipating!...
Yup, we’ve gone full circle. The initial release of vampire survivors copy pasted a lot of Castlevania assets, but now they’ve negotiated a deal to have them officially in the game, which is neat.
Yup, we’ve gone full circle. The initial release of vampire survivors copy pasted a lot of Castlevania assets, but now they’ve negotiated a deal to have them officially in the game, which is neat.
Anything for Konami to not have to actually make a new game.
I’m always down for anything Castlevania, but each time they do one of these collabs, it gets my hopes up.
Konami died the moment they fired Kojima and embraced the god of pachinko machines.