My Aussie friends didn’t have the steam deck?!?
My Aussie friends didn’t have the steam deck?!?
Honestly, in a sea of underpaid jobs, it’s just nice not having to deal with customers, and some people are just night owls
Sometimes I really consider doing something drastic due to how things are, and these thoughts scare me
Blood and wine is a masterpiece
This, this game isnt about fighting, it’s about prepping, it’s about researching your prey and knowing what you need to get the edge on it before you go in, brewing the potions you need and knowing what to hit it with
Or some unbelievable shit happens and you just don’t believe Anything, not saying it’s likely but you’re coming in with the idea of yes I am absolutely right on this and nobody can tell me otherwise
I mean they have made it a bit more player friendly through the updates, theyve even added an auto-route that walks you to the place you set in your map. But you do have a point, though that’s what a lot of people love about the game, it’s just you, in a big city, grasping at straws and trying to figure things out any way you can
Heeey don’t hate on my cat and mouse assassination game mode
I still haven’t played it since at the time the game was poorly received, but I have friends who also love that period who swear by it as their favorite, and in the end, thats all that matters in AC, that you love the vibe, right?
AC 1 & 2, I know they’re pretty jank now and black flag stole the show, but it was entrancing for young me, it felt like I was entering another world. I would no shit just wander the world for hours just taking in the simulated culture and learning how people lived, it was so fascinating to see how life was back then. I guess that’s why AC3 bored me so much, American history is just not interesting to me as it’s so recent relatively
qu’en est-il des catacombes
1.9gb is a high amount of storage?
Wait undertale is only 9 years old? It feels like a lot longer
It might be fuel
Speak for yourself, even when on mushrooms I know that puking just makes me feel immediately better, it’s like a system reset, but I understand it doesn’t work that way for everyone
What was that older one now, with the biggest game map in the world at the time? I think dirt.
Very beautiful atmospheric game with a lonely feel but fun driving
Dinner and dessert
Wonder how good it is
Hate to say but I don’t think that job was for you then