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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • You got it ass-backwards. The point of the UN as opposed to LoN was that it can enforce shit. And do that very heavily. The only problem was that the chosen group of wise and powerful to decide this now includes Russia as the heir of the USSR (why the hell) and China (which is not the China that got the place initially) and UK (which is collecting cannibals to suck off all over the globe) and USA (which just arbitrarily invaded Iraq and didn’t even apologize) and France (seems kinda normal, but CFA etc were not nice) and the situation really sucks.

  • or anybody else: the whole point of the place is as a diplomatic talking shop for everybody

    Except Artsakh and Tigray and Rojava and … Cause UN membership has been coerced to be used as some “proof of sovereignty” while it’s not even in UN’s own founding documents. So a non-UN member state won’t get accepted to UN (cause everybody voting likes their elevated status through such a situation) and additionally can be militarily attacked, even wiped out, and everybody acts as if that were normal, while, again, even in the UN charter it’s not.

    I’d argue the harm from that is bigger than the purpose you named. After all, diplomats can already talk wherever they want and they do.

  • I was banned a few times for saying something like that if some politician of some country consciously does a thing which costs Armenian lives, or, say, “recognizes territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”, they are fair game for Armenians. That technically they make a choice they have right to make, or that their country has some interests, etc are reasons, but not excuses.

    I mean, people are responsible for the actions they take. It’s not extremism.

  • Does “the free world” include Kemalist Turkey, Pinochet’s Chile, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Israel?

    I’m really not that keen on the subject who’s worse, but calling something “the free world” gets me every time.

    EDIT: Obviously didn’t mention every European colonial power, like UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, of which some have done pretty Nazi shit long after 1945.

  • Well, one example I like - Kaja Kallas, former PM of Estonia, is not considered a member of any Russian diaspora and is not such an idiot. She, however, has family ties with Anton Vaino, the head of AP in Russia, and she’s becoming a member of EC. She already held enormous power while also being popular, and is going for even bigger power. BTW, Estonian armaments for Ukraine are rotten Soviet junk for which they get good compensations.

    I’d say 90% of all the problems are the corrupt elites and not that kind of idiots. They can only do harm with their votes.

    Countries closest to Russia has a hell of problem with their diasporas. It’s dangerous to let them form a political power.

    This is frankly a scapegoat.

    Countries half-assimilated into Russia had that problem. Belarus and Ukraine specifically. The former is a dictatorship and the latter doesn’t have it anymore.

    Vatnik voters in Baltic countries make exactly two notable effects - they vote for local weird social-democrats and sometimes make noise about Victory Day and Soviet Union. It’s not dangerous.

    What’s dangerous is when a neighboring richer country invades you, but it can do that without an excuse. Again, see Azerbaijan in every year since 2020, and frankly including 2020 and 2016 - despite Western passive approval, they’d signed a fuckload of papers saying there won’t be a military solution and self-determination is a principle.

  • The percentage of those who love Putin, or rather of those completely unhinged, grows steadily from 1 to 2 and to 3.

    1 are just normal people.

    2 are the most evil group in fact, usually indirectly connected to the regime ; it’s the kind of elite that was the basis for late 00s and early 10s fake opposition, intended to overshadow the remnants of the old opposition (which was basically the same people who protested in 1991 against Soviet actions in Caucasus and Baltics, against Chechen wars, against Yeltsin’s second term). And yes, the loudest virtue-signalling figures of today’s Russian opposition are from among them. Many of them still have relatives and friends among Russian elites.

    3 are the kind of idiots they have everywhere, Russians of this group are similar to Serbians loving Russia or Americans thinking there’s their traditionalist heaven in Russia, or tankies believing China is heaven on earth.