• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I am curious as to why they would offload any AI tasks to another chip? I just did a super quick search for upscaling models on GitHub (https://github.com/marcan/cl-waifu2x/tree/master/models) and they are tiny as far as AI models go.

    Its the rendering bit that takes all the complex maths, and if that is reduced, that would leave plenty of room for running a baby AI. Granted, the method I linked to was only doing 29k pixels per second, but they said they weren’t GPU optimized. (FSR4 is going to be fully GPU optimized, I am sure of it.)

    If the rendered image is only 85% of a 4k image, that’s ~1.2 million pixels that need to be computed and it still seems plausible to keep everything on the GPU.

    With all of that blurted out, is FSR4 AI going to be offloaded to something else? It seems like there would be a significant technical challenges in creating another data bus that would also have to sync with memory and the GPU for offloading AI compute at speeds that didn’t risk create additional lag. (I am just hypothesizing, btw.)

  • It seems like it would be extremely fast to me. Take a 50x50 block of pixels and expand those across a 100x100 pixel grid leaving blank pixels were you have missing data. If a blank pixel is surrounded by blue pixels, the probability of the missing pixel being blue is fairly high, I would assume.

    That is a problem that is perfect for AI, actually. There is an actual algorithm that can be used for upscaling, but at its core, its likely boiled down to a single function and AI’s are excellent for replicating the output of basic functions. It’s not a perfect result, but it’s tolerable.

    If this example is correct or not for FSR, I have no clue. However, having AI shit out data based on a probability is mostly what they do.

  • The proper metric to plan around is longevity, unless you absolutely need performance now.

    Performance and cost should be divided by time. Do you think that bit of hardware will be able to support software for the next two years, or five? That is one way to “compute” value, anyway.

    A 4090 will eventually be outdated and unable to run new software, but that may not happen for a good number of years. If you want to get super deep, start crunching the numbers on power costs too. It may simply become too inefficient to run, eventually. (Hell, it’s probably super inefficient now, actually.)

    I almost always buy top-tier “last-gen” tech, right after “new-gen” is released when I am saving money. When I have the extra cash and it makes sense, top-tier may also be a good investment.

    Be honest with yourself and determine what matters most to you and put your money there.

  • That was one of the reasons I put “time” in quotes, actually. However, I had to lean into determinism fairly hard to make a “point” about how chaos is not really chaotic and that humans haven’t created any disasters because the disasters “have already happened”. (Don’t read into that. My jumble of logical fallacies was intended to sound more like an acid trip.)

    Time is a funny thing though. We perceive and experience time, but time relative to the rest of the universe is basically irrelevant. Que my rant about how our measurement systems need to have better scaling, but I’ll save that topic for the next reading from the Book of Ian.

  • If a god created the entire universe and even time itself, that would lead us to believe that everything is happening according to a grand plan. Fate is the ruler of the universe and every action is predetermined. If a god has the ability to create every single atom and set it in motion, it should also know the atoms entire journey through to the end of “time”.

    However, if the universe is simply a metaphorical byproduct of a kid with a chemistry set, then that would explain a few things. Chaos is king. However, our true Lord and Savior, Ian Malcom, tells us that order arises from Chaos, and that every system will eventually self-arrange. Through his teachings and wisdom, we can also prove that the universe is deterministic even if it was born into Chaos.

    From these points we can infer that without any doubt, Ian Malcom is the creator of the universe and all that we know. In Ian’s name we have already prayed and were always destined to pray. Ramen.

  • Did some quick reading and the Mi-8t can have a few goodies. Either front or side mounted guns as well as rocket pods. There are about a dozen or more variants of the Mi-8 but I would speculate that the underlying frame is what matters.

    From my experience with other military helicopters (not Russian ones), helicopters are fairly “modular”. The mounting points for guns may still be on the frame, but windows can be easily swapped out (or simply opened) when needed.

    A good visual on that “modularity” is the difference between a Blackhawk and a Seahawk and the position of the rear strut. Same frame, completely different positions of the wheels. (Having been inside the tails of a few Seahawks, I can tell you the framing is still there, it’s just lacking everything else.)

    Edit: “modular” is in quotes because even if there is a common frame, it can still take quite a bit of work to make some types of changes. If I am not mistaken, and using my previous example, the Seahawks still have an access port with a blank panel instead of the full rear strut of a Blackhawk. You would still need to modify the tail significantly to change the strut position but it could be done during a maintenance rotation. (A D-phase service, if I remember correctly. The bird would be stripped down to the frame anyway.)

  • Yep. It takes a ton of work and time to build a community that will attract more people who generate content.

    With every shit move that Reddit pulls, it pushes more people to Lemmy. While I have zero intentions of being as active on Lemmy as I was on Reddit, I have still racked up a couple thousand comments or so over the last year. Even that interaction generates content, but it’s still only a tiny contribution.

    TBH, I just shifted what kind of content I consumed. That did come at the price of doing without some types for the time being. However, the interaction with other users is generally much better here. Many people stay here on Lemmy because of that and honestly, I feel that is a much better experience.

    What I am saying is that Lemmy is getting bigger, but it will probably take another five or so years to get the momentum Reddit had ten years ago. It’ll happen because it’s just a matter of time before Reddit is purely investor driven and all value is completely extracted. (It’s just like how Facebook is mostly for old people now.)

  • We need to build communities here, but that takes time. What I have personally seen is that many niche communities that are on Reddit just fail with Lemmy. (I suspect that most of that is because of the lack of algorithmic boosting.)

    I am not saying cross posting from Reddit is a bad thing, btw. It’s my personal preference to read actual user content where I can interact with OP. It’s highly likely that “fake” content just doesn’t pull my dopamine triggers the same way, s’all.

    Content is here, but it’s generated at a much slower pace. Honestly, that is much more healthy for me.