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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • What if we didn’t want more sea, just spikier? C#

    I look out acroth the thea, and thee what I can thee. I can’t pronounth that thtupid language; I’ll write in lithp.

    Ocean + traversing a desert => Ocaml?

    I improved the C! It is greater! More potent! But what is this? I look at at my poor boat, upon which I traverse the waves of the C++ 7; now it is degraded. Now its beautiful metal hull has oxidised. Oh, the dangers of the C. …Wait, that gives me an idea…

  • How are you getting upvotes? People like it but haven’t heard of it? I want to upvote… but by the rules of the thread I have down-voted you.

    I really like the non-micro-management mechanism of Globulation 2, though I seem to remember it’s a bit awkward sometimes in how it makes combat work.

    And balancing upgrades to not run out of food, I’m not so sure about. I want to upgrade my globs! Always! Then they starve!

    The last few times I’ve installed it, though, I always get early segfaults, usually before I can finish a game. Hope it can get some dev love.

  • There’s an old joke about two mathematicians in a cafe. They’re arguing about whether ordinary people understand basic mathematics. The first mathematician says yes, of course they do! And the second disagrees.

    The second mathematician goes to the toilet, and the first calls over their blonde waitress. He says to her, "in a minute my friend is going to come back from the toilet, and I’m going to ask you a question. I want you to reply, “one third x cubed.'”

    “One ther desque,” she repeats.

    “One third x cubed,” the mathematician tries again.

    “One thir dek scubed.”

    “That’ll do,” he says, and she heads off. The second mathematician returns from the toilet and the first lays him a challenge. “I’ll prove it. I’ll call over that blonde waitress and ask her a simple integration question, and see if she can answer.” The second mathematician agrees, and they call her over.

    “My friend and I have a question,” the first mathematician asks the waitress. “Do you know what is the integral of x squared?”

    “One thir dek scubed,” she answers and the second mathematician is impressed and concedes the point.

    And as she walks away, the waitress calls over her shoulder,

    “Plus a constant.”