Jale translated. its just a bunch of vocalizations and "greetings and “how are you?” https://youtu.be/6gEGYJNYfP8
pretty optimistic tone setting for an old perry line world
Jale translated. its just a bunch of vocalizations and "greetings and “how are you?” https://youtu.be/6gEGYJNYfP8
pretty optimistic tone setting for an old perry line world
can be casually disregarded with all the rest of the dates we’ve ever had
performance should be the same. the big win is protonfixes, so when things change for SC we can get those into fixes that run automatically at every game launch instead of having to ask people to change things manually in lutris. at the moment these enable the launcher to be able to Verify, and patches Nvidia so that DLSS works
what needs to be done to get around error protocol dylib load failure
edit, ah i guess i should set an output like UDP huh
tbh I thought gainax was already dead due to some embezzlement thing
which, tbf is on every single disclaimer ever. it’s not even a giant document it’s like one paragraph of two on every single sale, and every time we launch the game