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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • What’s really baffling to me is how completely irrelevant most ads are to me.

    And I’m not saying “ads don’t work for me”, I get ads for products that I will never buy. I’m a man and YouTube recommends me tampons, lipstick and perfume. I also won’t buy a car anytime soon, yet I get tons of ads for cars.

    Even in the mindset of an ad person, that can’t make sense. Sure, there is the off chance that I’ll buy lipstick for my girlfriend, but how likely is that and how much revenue will materialize from bombarding thousands of men with ads? That cannot be economically viable.

    The actually infuriating part is, that we’re still paying for it. And the vendors as well. Only Google profits. If a company spends more on ads than necessary, their products will get more expensive, and those who buy their products will have to pay for it. So essentially I’m paying money for being advertised to, so Google can rake in billions.

  • And there are some truly magic tools.

    XSDs are far from perfect, but waaay more powerful than json schema.

    XSLT has its problems, but completely transforming a document to a completely different structure with just a bit of text is awesome. I had to rewrite a relatively simple XSLT in Java and it was something like 10 times more lines.

  • And DBAs. I’m currently working on a project where I said from the very start, I can set up this DB in k8s and I can get it to work decently, but I have neither the knowledge nor the time to get it right. Please give me someone who knows how this works.

    No, don’t worry, it’ll be fine, we don’t need that, this kuverneles thing I keep hearing about handles that!!!

    Six months of hard contact with the enemy on production later:

    Well, we’re currently looking for someone who actually knows how DBs work, because we have one of those issues that would cost a proper DBA 5min and me 5 months.

  • So all your points are “nu-uh”.

    Show me a single product that is even close to being worth the investment.

    How can openAI ever recoup all the money?

    This tech has already irreversibly changed coding, graphic design, marketing, writing, education,…

    Where? Writing boilerplate articles without content for dying news outlets? “Coding” hardly changed. You know why? Because typing code is by far the least time consuming part of the work.

    And where are all those great graphic design products? You mean those cool images of Trump riding a laser velociraptor?

    You think companies would be investing hundreds of billions if there is nothing there?

    Yes. Also, Metaverse, blockchain, etc. Ever heard of the dotcom bubble? Same pattern.

    You would be wrong, as I work in AI research.

    Hard doubt. Because the number one virtue of a scientist is to know the limitations of their subject. So either you’re not actually a researcher, or a really bad one.

  • Then where is it?

    There’s hardly any application that’s more than a gimmick. ChatGPT is an incompetent liar, Sora and all the image/video generators produce mediocre crap the can’t reasonably controlled, chat bots keep making up stuff, etc. etc.

    This tech is done. Why do you think there’s no progress from openai? The tech hit a ceiling. LLMs scaled to their current state very quickly, but each increment used exponentially more compute. There’s not enough compute, not enough training data to get better.

    I’m pretty sure, you don’t understand how models work. It’s just magic for you. Just like blockchains, NFTs and VR. None of them changed the world in any meaningful way - just scams.

    AI companies very fundamentally don’t make money, and have no way to become profitable in the near future. None of their tech has any business model. OpenAI relies 100% on Microsoft essentially donating azure instances.

    Sure, AI has its applications, but not hundreds of billions worth of applications.