• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You can also get different varieties of Ubuntu with different default desktop environments, named as portmanteaus of [DE name] + “Ubuntu.” Specifically, there’s Kubuntu (with KDE), Xubuntu (with XFCE), and most relevantly, Lubuntu (with LXQT).

    Note that LXQT isn’t the same thing as LXDE, but is sort of a successor to it (even though LXDE is also still maintained).

    sudo apt install lxde (or sudo apt install lxqt, for that matter) is definitely simpler than starting over installing a Lubuntu image though, so try that first.

  • grue@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlYup...i can confirm that
    3 days ago

    I learned Python after I already knew C, and I will forever be grateful for that.

    I took an Operating Systems class in undergrad whose first assignment was to implement a simple web server in C, and it was fine. Later, I took the same prof’s grad-level class and had to do basically the same assignment again, and all I could think was “wow, this is incredibly tedious: this whole thing would be literally two lines of Python.” Python absolutely ruined my patience for writing C (or at least, for writing C socket code that has to manually juggle IPv4 and v6 struct addrinfos and whatnot).

  • grue@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThat door must be very heavy
    3 days ago

    Realtors are a specific group of real estate agents. But real estate agents and real estate attorneys are entirely different things: the latter are lawyers while the former are not. Real estate agents are salespeople who search sales listings and give home tours and negotiate deals and whatnot. They have a duty to act in your interest, but they are not qualified or licensed to practice law.

  • grue@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThat door must be very heavy
    3 days ago
    • Make sure you get a knowledgeable and thorough home inspector.

    You say that as if evaluating quality to decide which realtor to hire is any easier than evaluating quality to decide which home inspector to hire.

    • Keep you from getting the shit sued out of you for one of numerous mistakes.
    • Make sure you fully understand the giant pile of paperwork you’ll be signing.

    These two are the job of a real-estate attorney, not a realtor.

  • grue@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldthe calm after the weird
    11 days ago

    No, you were responding to someone worried about the time “from November 5 till January 20.” That’s very much inclusive of the vote counting and certification, not subsequent to it. If you’re gonna use pedantry as a petty excuse for bad-faith contrarianism, the least you could do is not fuck it up!

    And “i’M nOt goInG to rEAd iT” – really? What are you, a small child having a tantrum? Quit huffing hopium and whining about being confronted with reality.

  • grue@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldthe calm after the weird
    11 days ago

    Once the votes are counted

    You do realize the MAGAs have been appointing “stop the steal” conspiracists to positions throughout the elections bureaucracy and are trying to recruit 100,000 poll “watchers” (read: saboteurs) specifically to try to stop that from happening, right?

    Four years ago, the Trump campaign filed 50+ lawsuits trying to throw out votes because of alleged fraud that were basically all thrown out because no fraud could be found, and failed to stop states from certifying votes because the bureaucrats were doing their jobs. Now, they’re in a position not only to severely obstruct the counting and certification in the first place, but also sue over accusations of fraud that will be credible because their dumbass followers will have committed it themselves!

    And of course, it’ll all be juuuuust stochastic and “lone wolf” enough that the Trump campaign itself will have [im]plausible deniability for directing it. The Heritage-Foundation-stacked courts will fall over themselves in their haste to clear Trump of any wrongdoing, while simultaneously saying “aww shucks we still have to invalidate the vote tho” or slow-walking any case they can’t plausibly say that about. This will result in either Trump crossing the 270 EC vote threshold by courts handing him wins for states where whole swathes of results for Democratic-leaning precincts have been thrown out, or throwing out enough results that neither candidate gets 270 votes so that the election gets decided by a “one state, one vote” poll in the House. Either way, Trump regains the Presidency “legally,” all Hell breaks loose with Project 2025 and the Supreme Court ruling making the President a king, and American democracy as we know it is over.

    Please: save this comment, come back to it on Inauguration Day, and mock me for being wrong when democracy and the rule of law prevails. Be merciless about it! Ridicule me to within an inch of my life for my silly, unfounded worrying. I’m serious: please do that and I will love you for it.

    Because I have no greater wish than to be wrong about this.