• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I’m absolutely with you on point 5. As for the rest, I will have to admit that I may have said some things plain wrong. I’m just trying to drive the point that it’s not inmoral and people should be happy anyway. Perhaps in 10 years this is the OS we are all using on our desktops, phones, and wearables. It would be a pity that’s not GPL and it has ads, sure (like maybe Android on x-brand flagship mew phone). But we could then have the LineageOS version of this. And I’d be happy. My poiny being, if that happens (it turns out to be the biggest OS), it will be thanks to its license, allowing it to be a thing for both people, and companies.

  • We can’t really know if BSD “lost” a sell to Sony. Right? I ask sincerely, maybe there’s more to the case you cited.

    From my naïve view, this new project can win new associated companies and get some income to pay new devs when some maturity is achieved on this framework since it’s quite innovative and those companies can really participate whereas with a GPL they would just be left out.

    I only mean to say that we might be discussing if the glass is half empty or half full. That’s why I’m trying to put into this new perspective (like considering GrapheneOS as an example. In the long run, the license might not be that much of a hurdle. At least let’s hope that’s the case since they probably won’t change to GPL.

  • I’d love to live in a solarpunk world where intellectual property was abolished. In the meantime, compromises are met and it’s no horror at all.

    I feel you, but maybe GPL is just an unpopular option (linux kernel never upgraded to v3, only a few oss web apps use affero, etc.)

    As much as I love libre software, I have to say that Linux had bad support for drivers because of it, and its mainstream adoption for desktops was hindered for decades because of it. Only today, we celebrate a 5% user share.

    An alternative permissive license doesn’t immediately mean companies will do the worst. We live under capitalism, perhaps we can’t just change that with a license. Their decision might future-proof the project to higher heights that are hardly seen today.

    Look at Android, yeah it’s a hell of a locked down system when you buy a new phone. But it works quite well, and their user share is at the very top (or second to Apple? Maybe, if you’re American). However, Android allows us to have LineageOS and Graphene (which is MIT license, but that’s beyond my point, iiuc it could very well be GPL for all of its customizations), and no matter which license these forks(?) use, privacy is preserved and taken to new levels. Meanwhile, Android or any of these alternatives support ARM architecture with great integrated video acceleration that is low power. These are not simply “nice features” but a requirement (e.g. saves energy, improved user experience, competitive to other platforms, etc.) and privacy is not really compromised.

    P.s. I’m suprising myself with this comment, nearly 10 years ago I was obsessed with libre software. Today I find it more of a niche hobby, or intellectual challenge. Valuable nonetheless, sure. And hell yeah I’d like to have a linux phone which fully supports all software and hardware… But then, reality.

  • The week went by and this was left unanswered. Usually I research a bit to treat anything on these threads. This time, I’m on the phone, so I went lazy and directly to chatgpt. Hopefully this is not an AI hallucination and it sheds some light for you.

    The performance difference you’re observing between AES128-CTR and AES128-GCM in OpenSSH with X11 forwarding can be attributed to several factors, including the nature of the ciphers and hardware acceleration support.

    AES128-CTR vs AES128-GCM

    1. Cipher Characteristics:

      • AES128-CTR (Counter Mode): This mode turns a block cipher into a stream cipher. It is generally faster because it can be parallelized and does not require padding.
      • AES128-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode): This mode provides both encryption and authentication (integrity check). The additional authentication step can introduce overhead, making it slower compared to CTR mode.
    2. Hardware Acceleration:

      • AES-NI Support: Modern CPUs support AES-NI (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions), which accelerates AES operations. Both CTR and GCM modes can benefit from AES-NI, but the extent of the acceleration can vary.
      • GCM Overhead: Even with hardware acceleration, GCM mode has additional computational overhead due to the authentication process. If the hardware acceleration is not fully utilized or if the implementation is suboptimal, this overhead can become more pronounced.

    Checking Hardware Acceleration

    To determine if your system is using hardware acceleration for AES operations, you can check the following:

    1. CPU Support:

      • Verify if your CPU supports AES-NI by checking the CPU flags:
        grep aes /proc/cpuinfo
      • If you see aes in the output, your CPU supports AES-NI.
    2. OpenSSL Benchmark:

      • Run an OpenSSL benchmark to see the performance difference between CTR and GCM modes:
        openssl speed -evp aes-128-ctr
        openssl speed -evp aes-128-gcm
      • Compare the results to see if there’s a significant difference in performance.
    3. SSH Configuration:

      • Ensure that your OpenSSH configuration is optimized for hardware acceleration. You can specify the ciphers in your SSH configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config for the server and /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config for the client):
        Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com
      • Restart the SSH service after making changes:
        sudo systemctl restart ssh


    The performance difference between AES128-CTR and AES128-GCM is expected due to the additional authentication overhead in GCM mode. Ensuring that your system is utilizing hardware acceleration (AES-NI) can help mitigate some of this overhead, but GCM will generally still be slower than CTR. If performance is critical and you do not need the additional authentication provided by GCM, sticking with CTR mode might be the better option.

  • I assume this is an old laptop? If you’re able to remove the battery, as in the old models, you can measure it’s full milliamperes when at a 100%. It’s probably going to show a lower value than what’s reported by the user guides. From what you tell, I’d expect something as low as 1.5k… Beware that removing batteries with tools and so on might make them explode and is many times, just not an option.

    Perhaps you can even see this in the BIOS. Some modern BIOS might even tell the number of charging cycles, allowing you to infer it’s worn out. Chances are, you need a new battery. Which is tricky, since oftentime the “new” battery was sitting at some store but was manufactured by the company when the laptop model was fresh.

  • You’re probably over-complicating things. Have you heard about the find -print0 | xargs -0 idiom? all that variable interpolation (dir=${dir:2}) and quoting "'""${dir}""'" is better to be dealt by the built-in shell tools. Or you could write a script for the whole body of that while loop, and then call find . -exec ./action.sh {} \;. Same script could be used with the previously mentioned idiom too, you’d need to use bash -c ./action.sh though. One advantage of “find | xargs” is that you can run these concurrently, paralellizing the action to all your dirs, in groups, of say 4 of them… and so on… it’s cool and simple.

  • Perhaps xdotool (assumming X11 and not wayland, there might be a fork? idk). Random self-reference trivia fact: I never used AHK, heard many great things about it and regretted a lot being on Linux by then. This was ~11 years ago. Then, some years later, at a gig I needed to type pre-formatted emails (like every 2 weeks, answering the same) and for that I used xdotool and assigned the commands as custom shortcuts under KDE :) it was one of my proudest moments towards Open Source Software.