• 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


    • NFTs are objectively a scam, and unsurprisingly, 1208 – these developers – proudly and prominently display Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort on their homepage.
    • They just say “open-source” without stating a license, and coming from people willing to put a pyramid scheme in their no-effort mobile game, that sends up red flags for openwashing.
    • If it is open-source, that isn’t god’s gift to mankind or anything. There are plenty of existing open-source Flappy Bird clones that mimic it – as best I can tell – one-to-one because Flappy Bird isn’t a complex game. And I’m somehow doubting a game designed to hawk shitty-ass NFTs has a lot of detail put into it either.

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldYarrr
    11 days ago

    I made that point short to be pithy, but what I actually take issue with in there being so many streaming services is that:

    • Upfront transparency for what shows and movies are actually there, let alone in what state, is often incredibly limited. This isn’t inherent to there being multiple services, but when I haven’t found one whose experience isn’t profoundly shitty, I’m counting it against them.
    • Even if you accurately assess which subscriptions you need at first, that can collapse at any time because shows are treated as playing cards, and you often need to put ongoing effort beyond just paying money into maintaining that list. (I often watch shows over months or years instead of binging them, and this is super shitty under a streaming service.)
    • Even if you have all those subscriptions and maintain them well, there’s no place to centrally view their content, something which cable TV – for what a piece of shit it was – shockingly made easier than streaming. If I purchase half my games from Steam and half from GOG, I can still access what I buy from a shared location: my desktop. If I purchase a bunch of discs from multiple different vendors, it’s all centralized on my DVD rack. The UI is consistent (and even slightly quicker to access). This isn’t massive, but it’s still objectively a point against them.
    • Unlike the PC gaming landscape where games are often available across multiple stores, streaming services are becoming increasingly exclusivity-focused, and this happens because there’s such an oligopoly in the TV and film industry, and basically every member of that oligopoly now runs a streaming service.

    I don’t think the point should be that there should be one streaming service to rule them all, but that in their current state, they represent an objectively substantial downgrade to piracy even taking away costs.

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldYarrr
    12 days ago

    Yup, if you present me a side-by-side of the free one and the paid one when the free one is better even disregarding costs, I’m pirating 100% of the time.

    • “Oh, you’ll only have access to this as long as our servers remain online or as long as we keep renewing the license.”
    • “Sorry, your device needs to phone home to use this.”
    • “Don’t you love ads in your paid product?”
    • “You’ll need to juggle several different services if you want what you can otherwise get for free on a central hub.”
    • “Yes, you can only use this on one or two devices at a time thanks to DRM.”
    • “Fuck you, you’ll need an account with us to use this even though you bought it without that account somewhere else.”
    • “This thing’s only ongoing cost on our end is version updates you totally need and want, so it’ll be an indefinite subscription (which we’ll make a pain in the ass to cancel).”
    • “This game runs noticeably worse because of the shitty DRM we shoehorned in.”
    • “You’re saying you don’t like being spied on for ad targeting?”
    • “You can only get this bundled with a bunch of other bullshit you don’t want and would never pay for individually.”
    • “Our UI that you’re forced to interact with to use this is fucking garbage.”
    • “We don’t sell this anymore; ask Scalper4478 on eBay.”
    • “We use the money that you pay us to lobby against your rights as a consumer.”
    • “We somehow lack QoL features that the free version has.”

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldEnough is enough
    13 days ago

    Xylophone: fun, colorful, easy for a kid to remember as a cute little instrument

    Xenon: An inert gas used in… MRI scans, I think?

    X-ray is probably the only other ‘X’ word with more real-world representation than xylophone, and as pointed out above, that’s not quite representative of how the letter is used phonetically in the rest of the language.

  • Not really. In terms of engaging with posts, oh my god, absolutely it’s worse. Twitter and its clones suck when it comes to engaging with things people post (but Mastodon at least makes it a bit better by increasing the character limit). But there’s just something different about following a hashtag versus following a Lemmy community. Like for example, when it comes to getting highly detailed, up-to-the-minute news about things, Mastodon beats Lemmy every time. Additionally, I can see people’s random, one-off takes that wouldn’t really warrant a post on Lemmy.

    I would argue too that it’s not even true that you should just be focused on following hashtags, but rather that you should be trying to do both.

    To me, Lemmy is the type of place I could kill two hours; for Mastodon, it’s maybe 15 minutes, but that doesn’t make it inferior, just a different use-case. It’s pretty apples-to-oranges.

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldReality can be disappointing
    18 days ago

    Seriously, that’s buck wild. I hope they meant “they support the CCP”, which isn’t a stretch given the various Soviet-era iconography in the profiles of its maintainers (Mao, Castro, Gagarin, etc.), and not “they’re acting on behalf of the CCP”, which is such a ridiculous claim to make with no further substantiation.