Even more obvious in the book, where its mentioned that even the commander can’t afford to eat meat whenever he wants.
Even more obvious in the book, where its mentioned that even the commander can’t afford to eat meat whenever he wants.
I personally wouldn’t trust Trump to return a favor. Elon outlived his usefulness to Trump the moment the election was over.
A big question is, how many sales are actually lost to pirates, or, how many pirates would have bought the game if they couldn’t pirate it. The answer is neither zero, nor all of them, but I don’t know what the actual answer is.
The reason why DMR tends to get cracked is that the concept is inherently flawed. If the entire game runs on your machine, then everything needed to run the game has to be on your machine at some point. DMR is security by obscurity.
I’d say it could go either way. You could publish a positive piece on a company and then buy stock in them. They can make a profit whether their research turns out positive or negative. This would however give them an incentive to sensationalize their results, to exaggerate their findings, be they positive or negative.
The man is a billionaire. He can afford to have his clothes tailored. He has no excuse to look badly dressed regardless his body type.
The lesson here is that when picking code names, pick random words from the dictionary.
Sleeping with a loaded gun under the pillow. If somebody wants to kill you, and is in your bedroom while you’re sleeping, then you’re going to wake up to a bullet going through your brain, before you go back to sleep permanently. A gun under the pillow doesn’t even make sense in the gun nuts paranoid delusions.
Why London? Russia isn’t at war with the UK.
You can’t go and kill the guy at a point where you know he has events in his yet. (A person’s “yet” is what is known of their personal future). You have to attack him at a point where you he doesn’t have any events in his yet that you know about. This also means no killing Hitler before April 30th 1945.
The break even point would be at a balance of 23.08$. However, if the account balance doesn’t expire, buying your own game to put you over the threshold would be checking the couch cushions for loose change level of desperation.
Please clarify your position?
It’s funny that you never even try to defend any of these accounts. The best way to show that Brazil is in the wrong would be to show that the people being banned were posting true statements.
Riding a creature. “Daggerfall” had ride-able horses. That’s the oldest example I can think off. But there’s probably something even older than that.
A lot of them are using old, pre-AI tactics, too, going by the image.
Stellaris was released 2016, 8 years ago, 21DLC/8years = 2.625 DLC/year.
“Indebted” here is likely meant in the informal sense. As in, Elon helped Trump, so now Trump has to help Elon. This isn’t legally binding.