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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • It’s survivorship bias combined with easily accessible media. Plenty of people died young back then but if it wasn’t family or close friends you might not have heard of it until years and years later if at all. Some might assume friends just drifted away, it’s life.

    Same with appliances. People say old appliances were significantly better, and I understand in certain areas they might have been but if they were truly so great why aren’t old appliances all over the play, plenty of old people still alive that wouldn’t have bought new appliances just because.

  • This might be a shit complaint on my part because these games are specifically for those type of people but I’m playing ff14 atm and they fuggin make me go across the world to talk to someone through a cut scene then make me go across the world again to rinse and repeat and that’s the game. I understand repetition is to be expected in mmo questing, I played wow for 17 years but at least for wow there’s some actual world exploration to be done to some degree and it isn’t usually forcing you to cross the world constantly. Ff14 doesn’t even have proper world exploration, they have teleport stones everywhere so you don’t truly get to see what’s up beyond following the quest lines. Glam, posing and rp saves that game.

  • Agreed, heroes of the storm imo is a good example of a fun moba. League is my main game but hots is my love. In hots you don’t have to worry about last hitting things since there’s no gold to be earned just XP which you get by being in the vicinity of a minion or enemy death and each player doesn’t have individual XP it’s team XP. So even ‘bad’ players can contribute to the team by just being present, champs are also generally tankier than other mobas so unless you’re really caught in a bad position it’s usually possible to run and survive unless it’s a complete stomp and the enemy is way ahead but even then few heroes can truly one combo you.