Some IT guy, IDK.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I’m not American, but this happens a lot more than you’d think.

    I live in Canada.

    A relative of a friend actually voted for a party called “the People’s party of Canada”, and one of their goals as a party was to eliminate subsidized housing. That relative of my friend… lived in subsidized housing and was not able to afford to have a home if not subsidized.

    They literally voted for a party that, if they had won, would have made them homeless.

    I don’t think that the PPC won a single district (giving them no seats in government); much to their benefit and their disappointment.

    Schools really need to teach critical thinking.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldWho does this?!
    17 days ago

    I uhh… I like mustard… I don’t want to try this.

    Mustard has a time and a place. This isn’t it.

    Watermelon has such a subtle taste that I’m pretty sure that you’re not going to taste the watermelon over the mustard.

    … Might as well be eating soggy bread or something.

  • I made this decision when I purchased a house… Or rather, the bank purchased it, I just live here and pay them instead of a landlord.

    I went with DeWalt and I don’t really have any regrets. I had one of the really basic 12v drills from them for like 10+ years. It mostly rattled around my car’s trunk during that time. I’ve purchased two additional batteries for it, one was shortly after I bought it, so I’d always have a charged battery on hand, the other to keep on the drill. When I needed to swap, I’d just take the dead battery into my home at the end of the day and charge it overnight, then dump it back in the car the next day.

    I used it mainly for computer stuff, since I work in that industry… Racking equipment in server racks, opening computers, etc. Rarely did I need to actually make holes or anything with it… The third battery was purchased when the original battery that came with it, stopped working. The drill and two remaining batteries still work fine, though I don’t really need/use them anymore.

    I might “donate” it to a young relative someday, for now it collects dust in my basement.

    When I replaced it, I got all 20v DeWalt everything. I bought a pack of tools that came with a couple of fairly basic battery chargers, a couple batteries, a hammer drill, impact driver, reciprocating saw, oscillating tool, a circular saw, and a portable light… It even came with a carry bag, which was promptly tossed in a corner and hasn’t been touched since, except to kick it further into the corner.

    After a short while of owning the house, we added a small (additional) set of batteries… I think 3 more? And picked up lawn equipment that’s also 20v from DeWalt. A string trimmer (aka a “whipper snipper”), and a hedge trimmer. I feel like I’m forgetting something… Oh well.

    The odd man out, so to speak, is the lawnmower, we ended up picking up a DeWalt mower, but it’s 20v/60v, so it will take either pack. We had all 20v so we just stuck with that.

    Then, I think last year? DeWalt released a snowblower, but it’s 60v only. So we had to get specific batteries just for that. The 60v ones are compatible with the 20v tools, but the blower will only take the 60v packs, so we have two 60v packs for it (and the lawnmower, I suppose, since they can take advantage of the extra juice), and 20v packs for everything else.

    Everything is cross compatible, with the one exception of the snowblower, so we’re all set.

    My experience with the 12v drill heavily biased me towards sticking with DeWalt.

    I won’t tell anyone to buy DeWalt or Milwaukee, or any other brand. You’ll have to make that decision got yourself. I don’t have any strong feelings about other brands because I simply don’t have the experience with them to have an opinion… Except Ryobi. Fuck Ryobi. My brother used Ryobi for a long time, and he had nothing good to say about them besides the fact that their tools are cheap. They’re cheap in every way. You’ll spend more trying to keep them working than you’ll spend simply by buying better tools. Don’t do it.

  • I didn’t really say that the fear was that they would launch WMDs at a specific target.

    I made no comment about how they would be used by Iraq forces if they did have them.

    I’m just saying.

    I did, however, very clearly state that Russia is primed and ready to blow up America on a whim (or at least, try to… Honestly, I hope I never find out which it is). So preventing another country from developing nuclear technology is essentially playground bullying on an international level… I’m not trying to imply that they shouldn’t investigate when a country starts building possibly dangerous military technology. However, clear parallels can be drawn to playground games like “keep array”

  • In my mind, the main difference is that they thought Iraq was working on the technology, not that they had it. If it’s being developed but it’s not complete, the superpower can basically wrestle their way in and go “no you fucking don’t” like an older brother ripping your favorite snack from your hands.

    Meanwhile, we know damned well Russia already has assembled WMDs, that are presently sitting on ICBM rockets, with navigation targets pointed at American cities, that can be armed and fired within minutes of the order being given.

    The same way the USA does (just for… Non American targets).

    The whole WMDs in Iraq thing was basically international bullying.

  • I’m not American, and I don’t know those things.

    I’m not apologizing for anyone. I’m pointing out that the law explicitly allows for this type of exploitation.

    I’m trying to encourage people to get involved in making changes. They don’t happen on their own and pedos continue to thrive based on the laws that are currently in effect.

    Look, we’ll never eliminate this kind of shit unless we change things. By pointing out that the system is kind of fucked, I’m hoping to outrage people enough that they take action. Any country, state, province, municipality, whatever, that will allow for such things, needs to have changes made. I can’t do it all, I’m just one person. If you and others are angered by the laws, that’s completely valid, you have the right to disagree with things. You also have the right to stand up and take action towards closing any loopholes that these assholes might use to their advantage.

    I want you to go and do that.

    Not just bitch at me online about how you think I’m a pedophile apologist. I’m not, but your opinion doesn’t have to agree with the facts.

    I want the loopholes closed, the first step in that process is to make people aware that this shit can be done legally. Your laws permit this depravity. What are you going to do about it?

  • You misunderstood me for one.

    I’m stating that, in most municipalities, the law allows for young people (14 year olds) to be married and engage in sexual activity. That’s a very abridged version of the same.

    I’m also stating that if you want it to be different, change the laws where you are.

    These are all factual statements.

    In discussing the facts, I made no assertions about whether I agreed or not with those laws, and when I did express my opinion briefly, I said that I see no reason why a grown adult (19+ years old) would want such a thing, and either implied or explicitly stated that I don’t agree with the law.

    I’m not going to reread and analyse my wording on the matter, yet again. However, whatever you understood me to be saying, what I’ve said now is my intended message.

    I don’t always agree with the laws. There are many I don’t agree with. In this case, I don’t think it should be legal for any loopholes to exist where any individual can legally have intercourse with someone who is 14 years old. The limits should be much higher; with the only caveat to that being the Romeo and Juliet laws (which allow for exceptions for people who are similarly young in age).

    However, either from a mishap of my words, or some failure to adequately clarify my point, everyone seemed to think I was endorsing, and defending, what is essentially statutory rape. I’ll be clear: any adult who willingly and knowingly has intercourse with someone underaged, should be, at the very least, imprisoned.

    I would be in favour of more severe penalties for such things, but that’s a different discussion.

    The laws are fucked up if you read and understand them. I’m no lawyer, but everything I know about this aspect of the law, is morally questionable at best.

  • It’s not really an issue if you’re paying attention. As long as it doesn’t sit to air dry for days, generally rust shouldn’t be a problem.

    My issue with the mushrooms was that I made a kind of gravy with them after cooking the meal and the combination of the moisture and other stuff in the mushrooms plus the moisture from making it into essentially gravy, then leaving it in the pan for more than a day, did me in.

    I just forgot about it after the meal, and didn’t look at it for the next few days. It’s entirely my fault that it happened. No question about that. Careless cooking habits can ruin cast iron pretty fast.

    If you’re coming mainly fatty foods in the pan, then there’s not a lot of worry there, the natural fats will protect the surface, so you can be, more or less as lazy as you want; but with some foods, you really want to clean it as quick as you’re able to prevent any damage to the coating/seasoning/nonstick polymerized layers that protect the pan.