Am I missing it, or are they not saying what theatre’s yet?
Am I missing it, or are they not saying what theatre’s yet?
What is the endgame here? They aren’t getting that money, if only for the fact it doesn’t exist, and Google has no incentive to comply. This just looks like an attempt at dick swinging gone wrong.
I agree. I only have shallow knowledge of 40k, but the exploration of the history around the universe was very fascinating. I also think it’s interesting that this issue seems to occur with satire, particularly when involving fascism. It brings to mind starship troopers and the more recent helldivers, how so many miss the point. I can’t help but feel the glorification of the military and military service in many of today’s societies lends itself to this problem. The military is inherently authoritarian, against diversity (including diversity of thought), and intentionally dehumanizes “the enemy” (turns out, it isn’t easy to kill people). Couple this with an image of masculinity that centers around adversity at best, and violence at worst along with so many men who feel they have missed opportunities to meet this standard and you have a recipe for fascists. How do we address this within our society? I don’t have the answers, but we should all be thinking about it.
Makes a “serviceable” scoop and reduces the amount of paraphernalia on your person.
It’s fucking sickening they are trying to portray themselves as victims for participating in a genocide. I only wish all of life’s misery on this human trash.
I won’t play forza online anymore, rammers just ruin the entire experience. I understand incidental collisions, but that intential shit just isn’t fun. They really need to implement a system that can track intentional ramming and match those people with each other so they are stuck in a rammer hell, and the rest of us can just enjoy the game. Ideally, the system wouldn’t be visible and account bound so it will follow you in the sequels. This way way the people who get joy out of ruining things for others are only ruining things for other assholes.
Those games did well, it doesn’t mean the genre is among the most popular and i bet they didn’t approach those level of sales. I wasn’t throwing shade, that’s just facts. I also mentioned ubis or reputation adding to this.
I think there is some confusion here. The game genre is “2d platformer,” I wasn’t referring to where people can play it. It isn’t the most popular genre of gaming, and it’s quite different from ubisofts’ other titles.
As a company pushes people away it gets harder to pull them back, so that doesnt take away from their complaints. Also, I’m not sure that the same crowd who plays other ubisoft titles is the crowd that’s interested in a 2d platformer.
Fuck then both for having lootbox nonsense mobile games. Predatory gambling for digital bullshit.
That’s the correct answer. This “drag” business has to do with this individuals kink of sex with dragons, as alluded to in their bio. I’m not kink shaming, but it is bad form to force others to participate in your kink without consent, even in a nonsexual context. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure they aren’t a troll.
That’s awesome, thanks for sharing it.
An old NCO once told me that “the first casualty of war is the plan.” I don’t know where he got that from, but I’ve always liked that quote.
I understood you, I’m just not that concerned, in this case, if these folks are offended. People who act like this or punch walls or get in road rage incidents are a danger to those around them and should be called out for their shitty behavior.
Perhaps people should feel inferior for behaving this way. It appears this behavior has been normalized and is found acceptable amongst certain groups. It isn’t and shouldn’t be.
I suppose I just don’t associate with people who have such low emotional control and stability. I don’t play with those who scream or are toxic in chat, and I certainly wouldn’t have associated with anyone like this back in the split-screen days. That behavior is quite absurd and indicates a larger overall problem.
Wow, this is quite incredible. I point out someone’s lack of emotional control/stability, and you seem to think that implies that I am the one who is a child. I lived through the magical before times, friend, and I still didn’t conduct myself like this.
I really hope this is a joke. If not, wtf?
The child murder is unfortunately unsurprising. Israelis have gleefully murdered children long before Oct 7, and the escalation had just provided more opportunities for them to do so.
While I agree in principle with the lawsuit, it is interesting that this is the game that people are suing over. I heard the hype and downloaded the crew 2 and it was complete dogshit of a game. I don’t mean from the perspective of finish, just the that the game, as intended, sucked ass. This isn’t the only ubisoft game like this, I don’t know how they manage to generate so much hype and fanfare around these tuberculosis vomit games over and over again.