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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Krauerking@lemy.loltomemes@lemmy.worldTechnology
    6 days ago

    OK but I think it actually might be interesting to see the difference.

    That top tier model got you:

    • WiFi
    • a hard drive 3x bigger than the standard
    • every type of card reader
    • full backwards compatibility with previous console games
    • bluray and CD player for home entertainment console use

    Now granted that last part is true for the cheaper model PS3 too.

    For the PS5 pro upgrade you get

    • the same amount of RAM
    • slightly better performing GPU under theoretical max use cases using updated hardware but not new
    • a removed disk drive for less functionality
    • 2x times hard drive space when storage costs are at a historical low.

    The extra money used to get you more functionality. This refresh seems like more for number fetishists to scrape more dopamine from the bottom of the barrel and get ripped off apple style to dish out more for basic features.

    Yes they have charged a lot but this is not exactly a great sign of “see how they have always done this?”

    Edit: also wages haven’t dramatically shifted since the PS3 launch so while inflation has ruined purchasing power to make it cost equivalent of $950, work hours needed to work to afford $600 is still the same thus making this new console still quite more costly. Its just you could buy more with same hours of work in the past.

  • I mean I had actually had a conversation a long while ago when I originally fell in love with Annapurna games about my perceived dangers of it being run almost single handedly by a billionaire playing around with her Dad’s money that the level of control she had would make it risky to treat like a legitimate company but they really put the gold star stamp of approval on so many games they made and published.

    Honestly this won’t really hurt the billionaire. She has the publishing contracts still and whatever partial finished games were already in development but I really do hope the best for the actual talent and employees.

    I really want to see them help push into that more united gaming labor force that the Henry Stickman developers foundation (Outersloth), and other groups are doing to let them actually help games be unique and good.

  • Golf Club Nostalgia(917 Reviews)

    This is a game that isn’t here for the game play. I think if you are paying at all attention to the boring dystopia, or climate collapse communities then this will hit in a way that is hard to define.

    Its a golf game. Simple, could be played on a phone really, but you have to have the sound on for this one.
    You are a member of the elite refugees who have fled to Mars and only return back to Earth to use the husk of a planet for a round of golf. And your companion is a lone radio broadcast from Mars of what they have left, which is stories and the rare music that was saved.

    The combination of overwhelmingly good world building and consistent vibe even down to the level names and journal entries hits like a train and made me cry at least a couple times.
    It made me feel nostalgiac for a world that has not yet come to pass and is a great on sale pick.

  • Tinykin
    I know you said less than 1,000 reviews but this is at 1,500 so I think it just squeaks by.

    This game for lack of a better description, adorable and over too soon.

    Like a mashup of pikmim, Spyro 2, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater. It’s got lots of fun platforming and new puzzle mechanics in an ever adding open world that is a true joy to traverse and cute silly little side plots that make for rather grand set pieces when it all comes together. I got 100% in 12 hours but also collect-a-thons are my jam and I was plowing through the game with grin on my face for everything but the platinum time trials.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltomemes@lemmy.worldPost-apocalyptic jobs
    23 days ago

    Yeah I guess? Is that your only skillset though cause I do tech work, but I also do a lot cheap large batch cooking, grow my own produce and can provide immediate first aid and medical care, all of which, I think, makes me pretty useful.

    Plus a minor hobby in botany specifically poisonous plants makes me somewhat useful for what not to eat.

    You are more than just your work.

  • You are right to a degree.

    I actually think it’s insane that to get started with a business these days you have to jump through so many hoops you need your own legal department or to do it illegally and hope the slap on the wrist is gentle.

    Its in line with the monopolies using regulation and the idea that society will just be better with the restrictions to protect everyone that misses the point.

    Advanced food storage and practices and tools will do a lot of making things better and OSHA should absolutely exist and be staffed but walls need to be shorter to inspire new entries into the marketplace without them being rich enough to jump it but without inspiration or hope to be competitive. Its why post war rebuilda are so popular for startups in the worst way.

    But food deserts won’t just be fixed by a new sandwich shop if there still isn’t cheap ingredients.