Soon, many of us won’t be able to afford to drive at all, it would be nice if we had other options
Soon, many of us won’t be able to afford to drive at all, it would be nice if we had other options
Bus lanes are too easy for the next politician to remove bus priority and allow cars back into the lane. At least with rails it’s a lot more costly to remove the route. Busses also still contribute to microplastics and tire waste compared to railed trams. Trams are also easier to automate which can make employing drivers and adding trams to lines less difficult compared to buses. The rails are also more effecient as there is less friction.
I’d defintely take BRT over no transit but many cities are dense enough to justify electrified trams.
Many cities paved over their tram lines. Sometimes they poke through during road work. We had trams in nearly every city 100 years ago yet today people tell me we can’t afford it or our population is too small to support it. If we could do it 100 years ago we could certainly do it now.
Going backwards while the rest of the world builds more functional and fair cities. We feel just as bad up here in Canada where our provincial premier is overstepping cities to force them to remove bike lanes that just got installed. The lanes are along a subway corridor and there are several apartment buildings planned on those roads that have extensive bicycle parking plans with much less car parking. And we’ve got big plans for new highways while we refuse to build rail along the densest part of our nation.
How many times will techbros reinvent the train/tram until North America finally starts laying down rails?
Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They’ve got curved swords.
Mixed use zoning and a multiuse building? This defintely isnt a north american city. America is “too big” to build like this.
Personally i just use a toothpick, but i usually clean for smooth operation as I rarely run out these days.
You’re probably still getting some steel in the weed. It is very unlikely the knife and the grinder share the exact hardness.
It still kept up for at least 2 generations of AAA when built.
My pc lasted over 10 years without a GPU or CPU upgrade. Now it doesn’t keep up with AAA titles but there are still plenty of games, old and new, that I can play.
You have to consider the versatility of a pc to truly compare them. The pc will have better alternative uses like web browsing, the pc is very easy and fairly cheap to increase storage, you may be able to upgrade just some RAM or GPU to keep up rather than buying a new console. You’ll also have access to more games and more modding opourtunities. You can still use a controller on pc although you are often at a disadvantage in most FPS style games.
If you just want to game a console may be better or easier but overall a pc is usually the better investment in the long run.
Release an “update” with a “bug” that can only be fixxed with a raise.
It is so messed up how every part of our society is secretly tuned to make being poor trapped yet every rung up the ladder to being wealthy, the journey gets a little easier by hidden subsidies like this.
The industrial revolution and it’s consequences
We also put lead in gasoline knowing damn well it would come out the tail pipes and people on the streets would have to breathe it. Several decades of leaded gasoline passed until someone developed an alternative to fix engine knocks. If that had never been invented we would still be pumping lead into our streets today as a “cost of life” or more realistically, a cost of doing business.
How would you tell you’re looking at a synchronized digital clock or cheap battery model?
There are tons of equipment and tools out there that very closely resemble an analog clock and require the same skills. Pressure gauges for example. These skills are not out dated.
IMO all the more reason to keep them. In the real world we all have to perform under pressure. With practice they can learn to read the clock under pressure, maybe take a breath or two and slow down before trying to read it. It may be a simple hurdle to overcome but practicing overcoming these things is important for development.
Its about long term effort investment. The game really gets fun as you start making lots of profits, upgrading tools, and automating the farm, although it can be tiring. There is also probably over 1000 ways to play. Some focus on mining, some more on social, some rarely leave the farm.
I can usually play it for about and in game year then have to put it down. Then I have a hard time picking it back up cause im worried ill mess up my planting plans even though my character is already fairly rich.