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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • I’ll die on this hill.

    If you want an easy language for beginners, Ruby is a much better alternative. It’s like a simpler Python, and aside from a crazy loop syntax teaches clean programming principles better than most languages.

    With that said, Rails IS a ghetto, and many of the kinds of companies that use Ruby as their main language are stuck in the past or are full of the biggest toolbags you’ll ever meet. DHH, in particular, built a reputation on being a programming contrarian, so much so that there’s a golden rule where if he says something, the opposite is probably the correct choice.

  • Sometimes I’ve gone the other way. My manager complained once that I didn’t automate a task to get business metrics, and I responded to say that it currently takes me 1 minute to pull the metrics and paste them into a spreadsheet and print a PDF. Automating this would take at least several days, for a slide that changes constantly, and where the data often requires a deep dive into why the data is how it is. What’s the point in automating something that I already need to manually look at?

    They raised it with our PM, and their response was “fair, I wish I hadn’t bothered to automate things last year”.

    If the cost would give a higher benefit, sure, automate it so that it spits out a spreadsheet every week and do the manual stuff separately - but automating something “because you can” is junior level shit. My time is valuable, let me work on stuff that actually matters.

  • Several reasons:

    • Mastodon is REALLY unfriendly from a UX perspective. To many, federation is a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist for them. In their mind, the early model of federation is like email, a problem that was “solved” years ago by having one corporate product that was much better than others (Gmail).
    • Reiterating, why should people care about the fediverse?
    • The fediverse is lacking the user numbers, and those that do post don’t really interact with others. Spend some time with the newhere tag and you’ll see a lot of people that make the occasional post, send a lot of replies, and end up leaving because that engagement ends up with maybe 2 followers. It’s rather clique-y.
    • Some fediverse sites (e.g. Lemmy) have bad reputations, and Mastodon partly suffers from this. Outside of tech, where people argue with each other all the time anyway, there isn’t really anything worthwhile being posted.

    Generally speaking, how is Mastodon any better than Bluesky? How is Lemmy any better than Reddit? If you can’t answer that in a way the average person gives a fuck about, what’s the argument for using them?

  • EnderMB@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldReality can be disappointing
    16 days ago

    Lemmy could really do with the ability to transfer an account to a new instance. The only reason I’m still on lemmy.world is because I can’t be bothered to set up an account on another instance that may be as insufferable.

    As for communities, Lemmy just isn’t large enough to be picky. World is the biggest instance, but is still dead on anything that’s not either a Reddit clone or a popular community.

  • A lot of vegans will hate this, but YOU’RE NOT A FUCKING SCIENTIST! Drop all the journals and research you want, but your pet is not a lab-controlled experiment. Besides, something being in a journal doesn’t make it true. If it is regularly cited as true, and has swept into general understanding of how to feed a pet, then it’s factual…

    I’m all for vegans living their best lives. Don’t force it on a pet that doesn’t know better. Vegans harming animals through their own food choices isn’t a new thing, ask most vets and they’ll have seen the effects of malnutrition from someone that thought that they knew better.

  • I’ve been saying for years that the man has had some kind of mental breakdown, and what we’re seeing now is a man that is using a mixture of hard drugs and the dopamine hit from being a billionaire right-wing edge-lord to keep himself from going utterly bonkers.

    If he were a normal person his employer would have either fired him or requested that he seek help. He’s a billionaire without a boss or a support network, so he lacks that safety net. He’s the very definition of “you don’t know they’re laughing at you, not with you, right?”