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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Increased computing power used to open up entirely new concepts in gaming. 3D environments, then larger and larger worlds, dynamic physics engines, more complex NPC Ai and more power to run larger numbers of enemies at a time.

    Absolutely none of that makes a new console inherently more fun. Many of the games I have on my launch PS1 and N64 are to this day unsurpassed. Not only that but some of the most critically acclaimed, genre defining games of the last 10 years could be run on a calculator. On the other hand we have all this extra compute power yet video game AI is universally garbage. To this very day the hands down best combat AI in a game are Halo 1 and the original F.E.A.R.

    Console upgrades today are about making things prettier, fit on bigger screens, and perform better. If you think the jump from PS4 to PS5 wasn’t worth the money, there’s no upgrade that will ever be worth it to you again.

  • Computing hardware when the PS4 and PS4 pro came out was still in the before times when new hardware meant doing more for the same money. It’s been a minute since those times and that isn’t really something Sony has any control over.

    Meanwhile you also have a weird phenomenon that didn’t exist during the PS4 generation where you have a huge spike in inflation between your base console and pro launch. When the PS5 launched at cost $500, but $500 then is more than $600 now. The PS5 pro is really only $100 more in 2024 money than the PS5 was at launch.

    Maybe Sony is making the wrong move here but understanding the market and economy as it is today, I’m not sure what else they could have done besides not launch a pro console at all.