Strings are Objects, Doubles are Objects (that are than unboxed into primutives doubles)…
Strings are Objects, Doubles are Objects (that are than unboxed into primutives doubles)…
seems like its playable.
“previous entries” are previous entries in the discussion thread series.
but atleast for doom 1, 2 and 2016 i can say that the ost gets me pumped, so there is that :D
the “what” is interesting on interfaces or when you generate documentation with some tool like sphinx or javadoc.
the “why” is interesting when you are somewhere inside a class or function and do something in a “strange” way, to work around a quirk in the codebase or something like that, or when you employ optimizations that make the code harder to read or atleast less obvious why somethings are done.
subscribers and something called bits of which i dont know the purpose.
good Tester.
If something stupid can be done, it will be done.
Definitely not normal.
I’ve got mine for 2 years now and could probably still count crashes like that on one hand. so if you are sure it’s not a faulty sd card or something like that causing this i’d send it back.
e: sometime ago an Update introduced Fan Curve settings, its a checkbox in the system settings titled “enable updated fan control”, some people reported higher temps with that enabled, so your crash might be the system powering down to avoid overheating, thats atleast worth a try.
the touchpads atleast feel like the ones on the steam controller.
flickstick is a control scheme where your stick only controls the camera horizontaly, so if you push the stick down you’ll spin 180° if you push it to the right you’ll turn until your character faces to the right and so forth.
deck is mostly more input options (right stick, d-pad, 4 back buttons instead of 2).
the biggest difference is the placement of the touchpads imho, as i cant use both shoulder buttons and the touchpad on a side without adjusting my grip, but that only mattered in shooters for which i use flickstick on the deck and not the right touchpad.
i killed every rememberance boss, but none of the death knights, because i kept getting grabbed and was not enjoying the fight.
I’d suggest to just go elsewhere unless you really want one of the death knight weapons, there is so much stuff to see in the dlc and the scadutree fragments* help a ton, so consider to come back later, if you still want to beat the death knight.
* you can find many without having to kill a single boss.
i’ve only read about rust, but is there a way to influence those automatic implementations?
equality for example could be that somethings literally point to the same thing in memory, or it could be that two structs have only values that are equal to each other