Making a console exclusive on their worst selling console ever was probably not helping.
Making a console exclusive on their worst selling console ever was probably not helping.
Minnesota here, our kids go back next week.
Back in mar-may it was. Then it was getting 300k users daily with 450k peak players. Now it gets under 30k daily users and ranked 45 on daily players according to steamdb
Sony did a good job of killing PC players tolerance of their bullshit with the helldiver controversy.
I’d prefer to see how they look with your ankles above your head! Just thinking out loud.
If the Russian bear thought the pig was hard to push around, hes really not gonna like it when the weasel bares it’s fangs.
Blizzard today is not the company we knew 15 years ago. They have been so thoroughly corrupted by the corporate ownership they can’t possibly understand what their core audience wants or needs to stay engaged.
Not to fet credible, but from a treeline 2km away a properly disguised tank can be pretty stealthy. Same concept of stealth aircraft, yeah if its close you’re gonna see it, but if passive and active sensors can pick it up till visual range, well mighty fine way to sneak a platoon of tanks into an otherwise ‘observed’ area while looking like little more than a couple of civilian vehicles or migrating animals to a radar, or dull spot to thermals.