Seat headrests can be pulled out and the metal guides used in a pinch.
Migrated account from
Seat headrests can be pulled out and the metal guides used in a pinch.
What we should do is put chainlink fence around the corner, but make the part that the users loved the most accessible with a monthly pass that they can only walk on with shoes purchased at the university store.
- spez
I remember when his tax “cut” first was experienced, there were a bunch of tiktoks on the fact that their taxes went up. A lot of “I didn’t vote for this!” Videos.
But they soon forgot.
His fans are like cats. Easily distracted, so long as someone else is getting hurt worse.
The article is only powerful if it’s enforced.
I suspect that Putin’s direct report won’t really sign on to any sort of defense of European countries.
Which, again, in a sane world, is really just one choice. This, quite frankly, is the only real bullet in the “both sides are the same” argument.
I’m not saying Harris isn’t qualified; she clearly is.
What I’m saying is that the Republicans have had years of making their base into good little soldiers that will vote R simply because they aren’t D.
These mouth breathers only see the letter after the name. I can’t tell you the number of times that voters came up to me when I was a poll worker and ask me who the “Republicans” were in a local election where the candidates can’t have party affiliations.
Why yes, these were often elderly voters. What made you guess that?
I’m seeing more sites now not even providing the option to click “no”. I can’t remember the company that provided this library but I feel like any hackers (ahem you assholes who are hacking the IA) want to do some good, they need to be taken down a peg.
It seems to be the same company. If I find it I’ll update this comment.
They wanted free labor but own the changes.
They could have gotten free labor if they used a standard license like GPL or even MIT.
But nope. They were greedy.
So I have a really really dumb question:
As the owner of Twitter, who probably has access to the database directly, couldn’t he just get a database dump of his kids tweets?
Or have a developer, oh I’m sorry, chatGPT develop an app just for him to be able to view all tweets?
This seems like firing a nuke for something akin to a knife wound.
Or it’s just late stage capitalism where the product has truly gone to shit.
I vaguely remember this! But I also remember it as anyone could control the video camera, so it could move in one of four directions but you could only move it once every so often.
The gun could only be fired by someone who paid for it.
It just makes no fucking sense to have that much money.
I’m haunted by a line from Silicon Valley. Rich people use money to keep score.
The only reason they get to say “you’ll understand when you’re older” is because they have something to protect as they got older.
In other words, they got theirs. And they don’t want to fucking share.
It’s a shit justification.
With a landing/take off, there’s a likelihood (maybe small) that the plane could be traveling fast enough to avoid the bulk of the blast.
Taxiing, there’s no way.
I have a house and a pretty sizable retirement account.
I will GLADLY take a lower home value, higher taxes on my retirement, higher taxes in general, so long as the ultra wealthy are also taxed accordingly.
I’ve actually been thinking about playing Fallout again. I don’t even remember half the things you’re talking about.
Ah the memories.
I’ve seen some arbitration agreements stating that you can’t collaborate with other customers who are affected by the same issue, requiring each customer to have a different attorney.
Some companies really want to make it impossible for you to win any significant damages against them.
At that point, they are just telling on themselves.
I actually felt it was…odd as well.
Just out of place. I support Ukraine and believe we should be contributing to their war effort but felt like his visit was ill-timed, especially given the fact that Pennsylvania is a swing state and he was visiting an ammunition factory which likely has MAGAs in it.
Honestly, I am surprised he didn’t have any incidents.
This reads like Dennis Duffy wrote it.
I remember complaining on Amazon about the price of digital books when they were still relatively new. They wanted me to pay the same price for a digital book as a physical book. Back then, Amazon still had pretty decent customer service and wrote me back saying that the price for the book wasn’t for literal pages but for the work in making the book, etc. etc.
I told them I understood that but I don’t get the same rights with the digital book as I did with the physical, namely the right to sell the book.
Books, board games, etc. any physical media is technically a license, yes. BUT the copyright holder cannot bar you from doing whatever you want with the physical copy, within the limits of copyright law. Those same rights simply do not exist with your digital copies and, in fact, is often codified within your terms of service that you don’t fucking own anything and they can pull your license at any time.
DVD is next to impossible to revoke while Blu-ray is not. But you can’t revoke Blu-ray licenses to specific people but to regions. I haven’t heard of this happening but if it did, you could, in theory, still play your Blu-ray disks on players that aren’t connected to the internet to receive those updates. That said, I’m like 80% sure that Blu-ray keys have been leaked and you can rip them like DVDs today.