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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I assume that the whole “Stalin starved his people” thing isn’t talking about the average conditions of the Soviet Union during more “normal” times, but rather specific events of mass starvation like the Holodomor. That being said, famine caused by accidental or malicious management of agriculture is something hardly unique to any single economic system (I imagine a comparison could be made to the Irish potato famine there, for an example of a similar type of disaster under a different economic system), so I’m not sure if it reflects entirely on the kind of system the Soviets were going for as much as it does mistakes in the process of transitioning to that system, and malfeasance on the part of those in charge in pushing the consequences of those mistakes upon disfavored groups.

  • In a sense pragmatism would mean that a soldier eats whatever they can, given that generally, people will do things they find objectionable rather than starve, if one was talking about the individual soldiers being pragmatic. However, what I was referring to was the state or military leadership being pragmatic here, because even if your soldiers will eat rations they object to, they’re probably not going to like it, and one can’t so easily pragmatically decide to like something. So even if your soldiers dutifully eat whatever they’re given regardless of if they’d object to doing so given a reasonable choice, it’s still going to hurt morale and therefore hurt their ability to carry out their objectives. Not really arguing with you here obviously, just responding to that hypothetical response you were suggesting someone might give.

  • To be fair, most professions that would be needed to survive in an apocalypse or rebuild society, aren’t things that an already functioning modern society can support everyone doing anyway. We need farmers and carpenters and such, but we don’t need so many as to have openings for a majority of the population to be them, these days.

  • tbf, if I ran an intel agency, after all these incidents, Id probably have someone “leak” fake classified docs on the warthunder forums or other similar places once in a blue moon, to spread misleading information to rival agencies as to the capabilities of my nation’s equipment. Both to blend in with a place idiots are known to actually post such info, and if its found out my agency was doing this, to cast doubt on the validity of any real docs from my side that were leaked before. Doesnt seem like itd cost much of anything to do, so there would have to be only minimal benefit to be marginally worth it