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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve got Gran Turismo 7 and it’s great in some ways but they ruined the pacing of the game. It hands out cars like they expire in less than a week. It can be fun to try out a whole bunch of different cars, but there’s not much sense of progression like the older ones gave.

    I remember building a connection to some of the cars in older games. When you bought a car, it was meaningful because it took time to win enough money to afford something, and then I’d spend a while upgrading it until eventually hitting a ceiling and needing a better car to upgrade to progress to more races. And then add some variety with a few races with rules or restrictions along the way to give a reason to buy some other cards in the same tier, but then then it would be a big decision.

    In GT7, all except the top end supercars feel like an afterthought, my garage gets filled for free as I win races, and any time I want to try a different car, first thing I do is buy most or all of the upgrades because it’s all trivial. Race with limiting rules? Ok, give me 5 minutes and I’ll find, buy, and max out another car to win this one.

    Granted, it has more of an emphasis on the driving than the older ones did (where you could usually take your super car into whatever races your wanted and see how many times you could lap everyone), but I think I like the progressing through cars part more than the racing part and GT7 is disappointing in that regard compared to GT4 or GT3.

  • With all these stories of malicious or incompetent mods, it makes me wonder if Russian trolls managed to get a bunch of mod positions on Reddit and mod to frustrate and hurt or kill communities to further division. Because it sounds a bit beyond a power trip or normal incompetence.

    Though it could be due to volume and lack of effective tools and mods just dealing with their queues with batch actions and ignoring a lot of messages.

    I suppose there could also be some mods trying to kill it from the inside after deciding they didn’t want to die on the “set sub private” hill once the admins started taking subs back. Guerrilla modding.

    Either way it’s a shitshow.

  • Anyone who cares to see it already has, so I wouldn’t waste too much energy on it. Even a smoking gun would likely be disappointing when the world keeps turning without much change.

    Though if you could show they’ve fucked the shareholders somehow, that might be different. But even there, most of the shitshow is out in the open and if they didn’t cross the line by driving away so much of their userbase, I’m not sure what would be considered crossing the line.

  • They can also be entertaining. Like there was one post removed within the past week where the mod said “don’t threaten mod action”, so I was curious and looked it up on the log. The guy had taken offense to something that wasn’t offensive (heard what they wanted to hear instead of what was said) then gave an ultimatum that they either apologize and retract within an hour or they’ll report them and an investigation on their comment history would happen. It was hilarious.

  • I’m unconvinced holding back our people by 5000 years is a bad thing. If that hadn’t happened, there might not have been a humanity for us to be born into. Or maybe we’d be at Star Trek levels now.

    Though our existence depends on our history, so even if it would have been a better one, we wouldn’t get to see it.

  • Yeah, I was going to mention race conditions as soon as I saw the parent comment. Though I’d guess most cases where the debugger “fixes” the issue while print statements don’t are also race conditions, just the race isn’t tight enough that that extra IO time changes the result.

    Best way to be thorough with concurrency testing IMO involves using synchronization to deliberately check the results of each potential race going either way. Of course, this is an exponential problem if you really want to be thorough (like some races could be based on thread 1 getting one specific instruction in between two specific instructions in thread 2, or maybe a race involves more than 2 threads, which would make it exponentially grow the exponential problem).

    But a trick for print statement debugging race conditions is to keep your message short. Even better if you can just send a dword to some fast logger asynchronously (though be careful to not introduce more race conditions with this!).

    This is one of the reasons why concurrency is hard even for those who understand it well.