winget and the windows store are growing tho
winget and the windows store are growing tho
No, I meant what I said.
If games do become linux exclusives, microsoft will have a reason
If games go linux native, how long until Microsoft gets wsl working for games?
Isn’t this like half of tech ceo’s? Oh wait they think they’re competent
It’s just linux
wasn’t it
You could implement that on a chat, but I wouldn’t do that on a string
Gotta make those oil billionaires some more billions
cod still has a campaign
Pro tip: turn your phone off
It’s an edited image, but you are darn right. Proper communication is great
Yea, I’ve seen that kind of humour in my grandpa’s movies sometimes too. Not my thing
On the photo you see a violation of rules listed as one of the reasons this commit is made. Because it’s at the top the meme creator is presuming that’s their main priority.
And they disagree with that, so they’re calling them a “park ranger”. I’m guessing they’re alluding to an old but common media presentation of park rangers being childish about rules.
I get the joke with that it looks a bit odd to put that reason at the top of the list, but their response I find more unkind than funny
Someone explained it, turns out it’s just not my kind of joke. I get it now tho
I don’t get the joke
If it helps you understand, yes. I am not so sure microsoft has no chance. I see a lot of youngers gamers, ones not as competent or careful, using just whatever is available to install games.
The windows store is very accessible