What? You’re in the minority here. DA2 is known as one of the most notoriously bad sequels ever made.
It was obviously made under extreme time constraints, as well as by a different team due to EA meddling.
It is a blatantly unfinished game that had good ideas that didn’t get enough time in the oven.
Dragon Age 2 is a bad game
Having sex with older women shouldn’t be frowned upon, and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s on the fence about it.
I’m gonna put “quotes” wherever I “damn” well please
You’re not my “real” dad
My grandfather owned a farmhouse out in Nebraska, and we’d go out to the “crick” and wade around in leech infested waters and get bit by mosquitos until sundown. Then we’d pick ticks off the farm dog and dread going to the bathroom because he had a rule “if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down”
He also ran a nudist colony in the desert in California during the winter months. Interesting man.
At least you outlived the Dreamcast
Note: I am the friend.