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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Just on the KDE front, I’m assuming you’ve optimised your KDE set up for your PC?

    If not, first open your Settings app and in the search box type “Effects” - disable all the fancy desktop effects.

    Next, if you’re on X11, go into the “Display and Monitor” section and disable compositing (you can also temporairly disable this with Alt+Shift+F12 to see what impact it has). This option is not available in Wayland; but you may be better using X11 if you don’t have a dedicated GPU? I’m not sure I’d be messing with Wayland on an old laptop; I’ve had serious issues on a high end PC - definitely improved with 6.1, but I’m using X11 still.

    But KDE 6 isn’t as svelt as KDE 5 was, so even optimised it may just not be up to the job.

    XFCE is a good shout, and should run nicely on a 2013 laptop.

  • Just another example of how broken the premium end of the gaming industry is. Ubisoft is an old fashioned publisher, trying to churn out big hit AAA games based on big IP but producing poor quality buggy games, which don’t turn a profit.

    We keep hearing how the games industry is “in trouble” but its actually thriving with loads of smaller devs and publishers doing well. The problem is the behemoth publishers like Ubisoft who release games based on financials timelines rather than the games being finished or high quality.

    Its not like Ubisoft are short of good IP. What they’re lacking is good quality control and an environment to foster high quality creativity. When you treat gaming like its just a production line to generate money this is what you get. Making AAA games is expensive for sure, but its pointless if you don’t get the quality and the creativity right too - they’re just making expensice games.

    We’re seeing the same in the movie industry - big studios producing franchise movies on a financially driven schedule with poor quality and lack of creativity.

  • “Yacht maker who makes yachts for billionaires scrambles to blame the crew so he can save more yachts and not be sued”

    That’s the story here. He’s trying to set the narrative as entirely human error rather than a design flaw. For example one concern is how quickly an intact vessel sank - 30 seconds is being claimed in some areas - and the yacht may have an overlong aluminium mast which contributed to it capsizing .

    People saying they don’t care about billionaires dying are missing the point. The yachts maker is trying to pin it on the crew before its even been properly investigated.