The third one, wouldn’t it hit Rockstar with Red Dead Redemption? After all, you do ride a animal(horse) and can easily swap in and our of 'em
The third one, wouldn’t it hit Rockstar with Red Dead Redemption? After all, you do ride a animal(horse) and can easily swap in and our of 'em
Kill that with fire
Life comes later, the factory must grow
Oy mate!
Good news for DankPods
“Oh hey, I added a button that makes the sword turn red!” “Why is the player teleporting to [0,0] when the sword turns red?” “Okay, I fixed the teleporting bug, but now the sword is blue”
Still can work, because last time Nintendo dared to do that… We got Splatoon
To add over it Quake 1 and 2 are also perfect complementaries to DOOM
No cutscenes, just throw you into the game and let you go wild, while still having a progression
Hey, I told I was broke before the entire thing happened
We’re in your walls
Bring snacks
re-read that, I wrote apk not apt
Ah fuck, forgot
apk add git-hype
FOMO The entire reason why people buy is the thought they could sell for more to people that also want to buy to sell for more
No, it’s a steam item miner
EDIT: to explain, clicking the banana gives you random “Steam Inventory” items, that players can sell on the marketplace The entire thing is just money laundry
Nope, it has the RJ45 in the side and the RJ11 in the back
“I miss those old ports” is what I’d say, but my laptop has 'em :3
From what I saw, they’re doing some changes to improve shader recompilation Maybe too early, but seems this time they might actually do something to improve the codebase instead of ‘yet another renamed yuzu’