Save your breath. We exist in the rarified space that is “aware-American” that GwammarPowice can’t acknowledge because MericaBad. The immediate future looks grim.
Save your breath. We exist in the rarified space that is “aware-American” that GwammarPowice can’t acknowledge because MericaBad. The immediate future looks grim.
I have NEVER wanted to be wrong more than in this very instant… but I’ve also never been more scared that we’re all right: Hitler 2.0 is about to make life suck for 99% of the population of the planet.
Ask us again in four years… I fucking hope.
Copper pipes only need replacing that often if a) you cheaped out on construction and used the thinnest kind (M-type, which isn’t even legal in some states), and b) you had some pressure issue along the way that left the pipes only partially full of water for a time.
God damn, it’s been a while since I’ve crossed paths with an honest-to-god rube! Keep on keepin’ on, you flickering bulb.
I like the cut of your jib.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Steaming hot.
Like a freshly laid turd.
That’s good to know, thanks!
I’d never seen that, thanks for sharing it!
For what it’s worth, the primary reason I joined, in particular, was their offering of
I’m old and stuck in my ways. I love the old-timey feel of the “old” UI in light mode with endless scrolling turned on.
Damn, Fuckerberg is turning into a lamer version of Andy Dick!
and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
No it wasn’t. It was an homage to a French painting of Greek gods having a bacchanal.
I’m honestly amazed at how short-sighted most of the uber-wealthy/uber-powerful people are in that regard! If I owned a random mega-corp I would want a world at peace and full of people that have enough disposable income to buy my products… just seems logical.
Thank you for finally outing yourself. Treasonous moron.