“Holmgard and beyond! That’s where the winds will us guide!!”
“Holmgard and beyond! That’s where the winds will us guide!!”
Is she from the Maxx? It was an animated show on MTV a long time ago. Her name is Sarah and there’s a whole part where she gets a gun to defend herself but she always comes across as a little bit deranged.
Straight to the top of the thread for you.
I’ve worked in 2 different schools in the IT department and 4 others as a volunteer lecturer (I got a name tag that said Technology Evangelist) I found that putting an analog clock on the screen saver of computers in the classroom was more likely to result in the clock actually being on time.
Too many clocks in classrooms are very old or even battery powered but neglected.
I don’t think kids are dumb just they aren’t getting a world that is properly maintained by competent people that care about their work and are adequately resourced to do the whole job.
Using cloudflare is more reliable than using your own stuff which is still an option that nobody chooses anymore because it’s better to choose cloudflare or something similar.
I’m going to go ahead and assume you don’t work with internet security in any way, have no experience in web development, and have never attempted to provide web application services to more people than you can count on your fingers, but if you had, cloudflare is mana from heaven.
When I saw my first textbook that had an XKCD comic in it I had A little bit of a squeal of joy. I’m old What do I know.